With your donation, you are helping us to:
Breakfast Supplies - Perishable food items (eggs, hot dogs, milk, water, etc.)​
Broken Equipment - Previously, we purchased a new walk in refrigerator/freezer to store perishables and a piano for worship music
Care Packages - ​Water, clothing, masks and gloves (PPE) that our volunteers have been donating in-kind after purchasing out-of-pocket
Toiletries - Shampoo, lotion, deodorant, shaving supplies, women's health supplies,
Dedicated staff - Operations Coordinator and Social Worker​
This Website - Website development and maintenance
How we maintain financial accountability:
The Pastors of Miracle Mile Ministries’ four core Lead Churches (Congregación León de Judá, Antioch Church, Cornerstone Church, and Symphony Church) – who have already been working collaboratively for years – will now provide formal strategic leadership and fiscal stewardship to Miracle Mile as its proposed Board of Advisors (which will meet quarterly).
Each Lead Church agrees to help sustain Miracle Mile Ministries via volunteers, prayer, and a generous financial contribution (with one Lead Church already pledging $10,000 in support for FY2022). We anticipate adding perhaps as many as 3 additional churches, ministries, or organizations to the Board of Advisors in the coming years.
The Congregación León de Judá serves as the fiscal sponsor for Miracle Mile Ministries; with an annual budget of $2.3 Million, and over 30 years of clean audits, León de Judá has already served as fiscal parent to several organizations (some of whom have since acquired their own 501c3 designations), including Lazos de Amor, the Boston Higher Education Resource Center (HERC), and Agencia ALPHA.
All donations are tax-deductible under our fiscal sponsor, Congregación León de Judá.
ways you can donate:
We accept cash or check. For checks, please write to Congregación León de Judá with Memo: Street Ministry.
20 Reed Street
Boston, MA, 02118
If you are unable to give using the other methods, please send us an email cljstreetministry@gmail.com